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Tulane 5 - Manhattan 4 

March 7, 2003 - Turchin Stadium

Recap of the Game & Final Stats


firstpitch.jpg (128346 bytes) turchin.jpg (167616 bytes) turchinleft.jpg (187236 bytes) turchinright.jpg (192481 bytes)
1st pitch Beautiful night Left line Right line
pregame.jpg (160019 bytes) game1.jpg (136001 bytes) game2.jpg (167956 bytes) game3.jpg (184480 bytes)
Kaplan & Feldman Kingston Bormaster 2-2, 2BB Nate Southard
game4.jpg (134689 bytes) game5.jpg (127147 bytes) game6.jpg (141813 bytes) game7.jpg (136349 bytes)
Penedo Nate & King Kaplan  Mohl gets the win
game8.jpg (125010 bytes) game9.jpg (132849 bytes) game10.jpg (133958 bytes) game11.jpg (139437 bytes)
Mohl  gets a K! G, 2-4 Bogusevic, 2-4 
game12.jpg (138300 bytes) game13.jpg (153678 bytes) game14.jpg (127963 bytes) game15.jpg (142449 bytes)
Aubrey, 2-4 Manzella Aubrey scores Bormaster
game16.jpg (109436 bytes) game17.jpg (129949 bytes) game18.jpg (145840 bytes) game19.jpg (155708 bytes)
Brian at 2nd Jones, King, Penedo Jones, Kingston Penedo
game20.jpg (124292 bytes) game21.jpg (139816 bytes) game22.jpg (153826 bytes) game23.jpg (112155 bytes)
Belanger Gomes, corners Brandon Gomes Tony G. - knee
game24.jpg (113623 bytes) game25.jpg (104109 bytes) game27.jpg (138159 bytes) game28.jpg (106110 bytes)
Penedo Gomes Walter comes in Will Walter
game29.jpg (132863 bytes) game30.jpg (125306 bytes) game31.jpg (124537 bytes) game32.jpg (165629 bytes)
Joey comes in Joey Charron Joey Joey gets a K!
game33.jpg (165582 bytes) game34.jpg (123277 bytes) game35.jpg (120941 bytes) game36.jpg (137908 bytes)
Final OUT - K! Joey, Bormaster Team  Team 

If you see any mistakes, contact me : dave@wavebaseball.com




This website is not affiliated in any way to Tulane University, or Tulane University Athletics.   All pictures are the property of David Browning, unless otherwise noted, and are to be used only for the promotion of Tulane University Baseball.   Personal use of the pictures is permitted, but under no circumstances are the pictures to be used in a for profit venture.  Any improper use of the content of this website will be pursued to the fullest extent possible.  If you have any questions, or comments, please contact me by e-mail : Dave@wavebaseball.com.
