
Tulane 7 - Arizona St. 2
Zephyr Field
Box Score
Micah doubles our pleasure - gets the win, and drives in 2 runs
8ip, 2 er, 1 bb |
1-2, 2 runs, 2 rbi |
Other game pictures
Will Clark & Chad |
Is J. Lo. in there?? |
National Anthem |
Micah |
Micah |
safe! |
Owings walks |
oops - Pitcher bad! |
Emaus singles |
Holland, fc, rbi |
Owings scores |
caught stealing |
Tommy doubles |
Barket singles, rbi |
Tommy scores! |
Holland |
Barket & Tommy |
Tommy |
Madden singles |
Hamilton, hbp |
Right elbow |
Bogusevic bunts |
Owings |
Enjoying the levee |
safe at 2nd |
King & Sutter |
Madden singles |
Rice to run for Scott |
Hamilton singles |
Southard hbp |
pitching change |
Owings 2b, 2 rbi |
Rice scores |
Hamilton scores |
Holland walks |
Tommy , 2 rbi |
Owings & Southard |
Dini singles, rbi |
Holland scores |
Owings |
Riser |
Morgan |
Morgan |
Out stealing??? |
K - Last Out!! |
Morgan, Dini |
Wave WINS! |
ARE COPYRIGHT DAVE BROWNING This website is not affiliated in any way to Tulane
University, or Tulane University Athletics. All pictures are the
property of David Browning, unless otherwise noted, and are to be used only for
the promotion of Tulane University Baseball. Personal use of the pictures is
permitted, but under no circumstances are the pictures to be used in a for
profit venture. Any improper use of the content of this website will
be pursued to the fullest extent possible. If you have any questions,
or comments, please contact me by e-mail : Dave@wavebaseball.com. |