
Tulane 16 - ECU 3
C-USA Tournament
May 26 - Pete Taylor Park
Hattiesburg, MS
Box Score
Brian Bogusevic |
Bogo |
Bogo |
Paco starts it |
Emaus adv Paco |
Tommy, rbi |
Paco scores |
Owings, rbi |
Dini, rbi |
Tommy scores |
Madden |
Hamilton Homers! |
King congrats |
team congrats |
more team stuff |
Paco starts it again |
Emaus walks |
Tommy, rbi |
Paco scores |
Sutter's happy |
Owings 2b, rbi |
Emaus scores |
Owings' sore shoulder |
Dini 2b, 2 rbi |
Tommy scores |
Owings scores |
happy guys |
Madden singles |
Hammy singles, rbi |
Dini scores |
Tommy |
Tommy |
Emaus 2b |
Tommy walks |
Owings HR! |
King congrats |
Helmet time! |
Team congrats |
Emaus, hbp |
Todd checks it out |
Tommy, on by E |
Emaus shows hbp mark |
Dini, sac fly congrats |
Emaus scores |
Rice, rbi |
Rice |
Rice congrats |
Rice |
Tommy scores |
Barket HOMERS! |
Helmet congrats |
team congrats |
Morgan |
Morgan |
2 Tulane guys making |
their move! |

Crowd Pic
ARE COPYRIGHT DAVE BROWNING This website is not affiliated in any way to Tulane
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property of David Browning, unless otherwise noted, and are to be used only for
the promotion of Tulane University Baseball. Personal use of the pictures is
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profit venture. Any improper use of the content of this website will
be pursued to the fullest extent possible. If you have any questions,
or comments, please contact me by e-mail : Dave@wavebaseball.com. |